Welcome to the blog of mbprofits.co.uk - We have been consistently in profit since March 2015 thanks to a balanced combination taking advantage of Matched Betting, Risk Free offers and Low Risk offers - Regular updates show our TAX FREE profit to date, all from the nominal and modest starting position of just £100 ....

Advice for first time visitors : This blog grows in valuable content more or less on a day by day basis - There are pages and pages of results, tips, pointers, advice etc etc - Personally, if I were a visitor to this blog I know that I would never read everything and I really don't expect you to either - Simply, my advice is to just 'cherry pick' your way through a few posts - If you like what you read then just follow any of the mbprofits.co.uk links towards the risk-free trial - If this is not for you for whatever reason, regardless, I thank you for taking the time to visit ;
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Over The Next Few Days :
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Worth Your Time? - Absolutely! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Starting Position? :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
The Proven And Credible 'Go To' Blog! :
If so I need to ask a very important favour. As you are probably aware, I'm an affiliate for Profit Accumulator but I only promote their services as so very very clearly what they offer, what they do absolutely 100% works as repeatedly proven!
Please note that if you have already clicked on ANY Profit Accumulator link at ANY time and you're at the very least considering 'testing' what 20,000+ members do (remember the trial is 100% RISK FREE plus I personally offer (mbprofits) the unique £100 Money Back Guarantee!) then please simply follow these no-hassle instructions >
Completely clear your browser cookies OR use different browser / device that has never been used to visit ANY Profit Accumulator page and then (and only then) click on ANY www.mbprofits.co.uk link - All mbprofits.co.uk links will take you to my Profit Accumulator affiliate page.
Again, I'm an affiliate for Profit Accumulator and they pay me 50% per sale.
This is absolutely no different if you were to click on an affiliate link for Amazon, QuidCo or even a Bookie such as Paddy Power or Ladbrokes as the tracking cookie 'situation' is very much standard stuff for any affiliate orientated promotion.
And once you have successfully done that and then become a fully paid Platinum Member of PA (the monthly / yearly subscription), message me on either Facebook or Twitter. You will find my details in the left hand column of my blog in Desktop View.
Once you have done that you will gain direct access to me for ongoing help and support and I will also send you an email that will undoubtedly flatten out your learning curve, direct you to the most profitable threads and people on the forum based upon my experience thus easily putting more money in your pocket considerably quicker!
If you're looking for easy money, if you're looking for success, if you're looking for a mentor, you are in exactly the right place! - Just remember to fully clear your cookies!
As posted as a short article on my LinkedIn;
For Less Than A Coffee A Day :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
It's Time To Take Full Advantage! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
156 Different Offers Today :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Monday, 25 September 2017
Solving A Problem :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Stocks? Shares? Trading? Forex? :
From a 'gambling' perspective, what we (as in at least 20,000 others) do is no different from investing in stocks and shares, no different from Forex, no different from Binary Trading (etc etc) as all of these things do clearly involve 'gambling'.
Admittedly, the rewards from the forementioned 'vehicles' can be considerable but the losses can financially destroy you. In contrast, our gains / rewards are generally lower but the fundamental difference is that we have guaranteed profit from totally risk-free offers.
If a person can follow simple instructions and videos then they will unquestionably see profit on a daily basis.
So, the 'vehicle' that we use to generate a daily profit is indeed 100% risk-free, just as freely and openly publicised in the credible press and simply put, money cannot buy that level, that degree of credibility!
As posted as a short article on my LinkedIn;
Too Good To Be True? :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Simple Maths And Not Chance :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
144 Different Offers Today :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Amazing Press + Amazing Credibility! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Experience And Wisdom To Share :
Three of the businesses that I have promoted over the years provided really good, highly credible services that continually delivered to their customers and the businesses paid me exceptionally well. But the problem was this;
The people who established and set up these businesses (not related) clearly had very good ideas and worked so passionately and exceptionally hard with vigorous determination to build their respective businesses, to build credibility, to build a strong and so very positive brand.
And then, someone with a few £'s behind them seen the value of the business and made the respective owners an offer that they simply couldn't refuse!
(Money always talks!)
Naturally and quite understandably the owners sold up. And with that the new and rather excitable (trigger happy) owners rapidly try to fix something that was never broken in the first place and in turn unintentionally drive the business at full speed, fully blinkered into the ground!
What I'm trying to say is this;
Because of my knowledge and experience, I no longer allow myself to rely on somebody else to 'run the business' that puts food on my table. Whilst you need to totally, utterly focus to make your business, your income stream, your team work, to make it all a dynamic and highly positive success, please please please don't lay all of your eggs in just the one basket.
When the plug is pulled you will sink quicker than the business does ....
I now make money for me and me only and I am no longer reliant on somebody else's business decisions, be them good or poor and that's why I do what I do hence what I post. I have nothing to promote, I simply share my ongoing success, that's success that every UK based reader of this post can so easily join me in.
I love networking and I absolutely love success - I love learning and I love both building success and sharing success!
I sincerely hope that my daily business / motivational posts will be of interest, use and inspiration. Naturally, all request to connect from the like-minded successful go-getters of the world very gladly accepted ....
As posted as a short article on my LinkedIn;
Can You Follow Simple Instructions? :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
An Extra £500+ Per Month? :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Why Do I Shout? :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
163 Different Offers Today :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Saturday, 23 September 2017
7 Days Full Access For Just £1! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
The Guardian, Saturday 24th July 2010 :
.... Over the past month I have researched and used every decent online free bet introductory offer from a bookie. I've taken up 31 offers so far - and I've made in the region of £770.
The money I have made has been absolutely risk free, it's not been about gambling but about playing the system - and it was inspired by Guardian Money. I don't even have to pay tax on my winnings ....’
Though this article is now a little dated the principles and methods remain exactly the same. There is one very BIG exception. At the end of the article it says ‘this is a short term opportunity’. Well, things have indeed moved on, considerably!
I know plenty of people who make a full time living / wage from this and have continually done so for several years!
The article is now over 5 years old (so this is most definitely not a ‘here today gone tomorrow’ thing) and people are still unquestionably making money and living from this 5 years on!
And as of day 260 (yesterday) of ‘playing the system’ I have made a clear no hassle TAX-FREE profit of £7302.28 in real-world hard cash in my pocket!
As posted as a short article on my LinkedIn:
Would I Really Gamble? :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
All The Info In Just The One Place! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
171 Different Offers Today :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Thursday, 21 September 2017
No Recruiting, No Sales :
I only 'promote' (passionately shout about this) simply because in my 12 years of online activities this is the ONLY thing that has ever actually paid and genuinely worked 'exactly as it says on the tin!'
And I have seen SO many 'things' come and go over the years, I really have, gurus and chancers alike.
If you simply put in the time (typically less than 2 hours a day) and you can follow straightforward instructions and videos you WILL be in profit, absolutely guaranteed!
I have absolutely no need to sell.
As posted as a short article on my LinkedIn;
You Can't Buy Credibility! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
164 Different Offers Today ;
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
We Do All Of The Hard Work For You! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
The Proven And Credible 'Go To' Blog! :
If so I need to ask a very important favour. As you are probably aware, I'm an affiliate for Profit Accumulator but I only promote their services as so very very clearly what they offer, what they do absolutely 100% works as repeatedly proven!
Please note that if you have already clicked on ANY Profit Accumulator link at ANY time and you're at the very least considering 'testing' what 20,000+ members do (remember the trial is 100% RISK FREE plus I personally offer (mbprofits) the unique £100 Money Back Guarantee!) then please simply follow these no-hassle instructions >
Completely clear your browser cookies OR use different browser / device that has never been used to visit ANY Profit Accumulator page and then (and only then) click on ANY www.mbprofits.co.uk link - All mbprofits.co.uk links will take you to my Profit Accumulator affiliate page.
Again, I'm an affiliate for Profit Accumulator and they pay me 50% per sale.
This is absolutely no different if you were to click on an affiliate link for Amazon, QuidCo or even a Bookie such as Paddy Power or Ladbrokes as the tracking cookie 'situation' is very much standard stuff for any affiliate orientated promotion.
And once you have successfully done that and then become a fully paid Platinum Member of PA (the monthly / yearly subscription), message me on either Facebook or Twitter. You will find my details in the left hand column of my blog in Desktop View.
Once you have done that you will gain direct access to me for ongoing help and support and I will also send you an email that will undoubtedly flatten out your learning curve, direct you to the most profitable threads and people on the forum based upon my experience thus easily putting more money in your pocket considerably quicker!
If you're looking for easy money, if you're looking for success, if you're looking for a mentor, you are in exactly the right place! - Just remember to fully clear your cookies!
As posted as a short article on my LinkedIn;
We Never Gamble! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Looking For Feedback? :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
144 Different Offers Today :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Monday, 18 September 2017
Easy Money Anyone? :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Stocks? Shares? Trading? Forex? :
From a 'gambling' perspective, what we (as in at least 20,000 others) do is no different from investing in stocks and shares, no different from Forex, no different from Binary Trading (etc etc) as all of these things do clearly involve 'gambling'.
Admittedly, the rewards from the forementioned 'vehicles' can be considerable but the losses can financially destroy you. In contrast, our gains / rewards are generally lower but the fundamental difference is that we have guaranteed profit from totally risk-free offers.
If a person can follow simple instructions and videos then they will unquestionably see profit on a daily basis.
So, the 'vehicle' that we use to generate a daily profit is indeed 100% risk-free, just as freely and openly publicised in the credible press and simply put, money cannot buy that level, that degree of credibility!
As posted as a short article on my LinkedIn ;
Less Than A Coffee A Day! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
A Good Time To Start? :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
134 Different Offers Today :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit
Saturday, 16 September 2017
It's Time To Take Full Advantage! :
Credibility | Reliability | Reputation | Value | Profit